Monday, May 4

s o c i a l j u s t i c e.

"faith without works,

is dead"
A lot of times when we think justice, we think of big, sweeping, change-the-world-in-one-fell-swoop kind of moments. I’m convinced sometimes the power of one—and being active and pursuing justice—doesn’t always require money. It doesn’t always require a passport and airticket to ac ountry in need, it doesn't neccesary involve empyting your wallet intou the offering bag. Sometimes it just requires crossing the uncomfortable line that we have interpersonally and showing somebody love. We have the ability every morning to decide, “I’m going to do something for somebody else. I’m going to live a life today for others.” and that, in itself, is advocating for social justice at our doorstep.
come on.


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