Wednesday, June 17

sunshine days

the past 3 days have been tough, though i cant quite put into words succintly why it is so. i cant make out what gets me more - the fact that i feel useless cos i dont seem to know my work well enough, or the fact that the environment is completely out of my comfort zone? today was particularly discouraging - with loads of mistakes during my treatment sessions and worse, not having an understanding of the mistakes i have committed. it's very difficult to talk to those big aussie blokes as well, especially when they talk faster than japanese trains, at 830am in a cold winter morning. the unfortunate event of forgetting my atm pin number recently aggravates the situation - i haven't got enough cash to buy coffee. and.. there seems to be so much i have been complaining about. what a whiny little spoilt brat i am.

i think God is really stripping away a lot of things that i have taken granted for, and is used to - friends, coffee, freedom to express, academic achievement.. etc etc. but yu know, despite my outward ranting and venting and sighing and screaming and sulking and.. etc.. i still have to admit .. the silent voice of Truth in my head tells me - all these things happen for a reason, a good reason, and all will work out for the good. i have never felt smaller, and i will pray harder. i will learn and rejoice in what God has to teach me in this season. i will walk through it couraegously - not alone, but holding onto myGod. i will learn to decrease as He increase. i will experience His grace and His mercy. i will call out to Him in desperation. so i will be more than okay, and give thanks for today, tomorrow and the 3 more weeks to come.
this is the day the Lord has made, so rejoice in it i will.

"Your grace is sufficient for me,
your strength is made perfect when i am weak.
and all that i cling to, i lay at your feet.
your grace is sufficient for me"

ps: i am going to play one of my favourite games call taboo with myself. this week, the taboo words will be - "i hate" & "so depressing" & "clinics suck"


Blogger wen said...

i buy you coffee on tues morning!
what time do u leave for clinicals?

5:09 PM  

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