GAYAN!! -clench my fists- oei at least i can make japanese curry yu know?!!?!?!?!? that s one step closer to curry ice cream! because yu said that - i shall put 'making curry ice cream' into my to-do-list. the day i accomplish it.. i will.. copyright it and sell it.
wah so ambitious! wish you the best in your journey to discovering curry flavored ice cream! why not open "Shuk's Curry Ice-cream you Scream parlor" instead????? then we at least get to taste your ice-cream!!!!! lol and die out laughing!!!!
and believe it or not. i stared at yur reply and read it 4x. and thought for abt 5 minutes. and still has no comeback. just.. wait for the... curry ice cream... it's going to be.. le-gen... wait for it... da-ry.