Saturday, July 4

the record breaking hour i spent on facebook while waiting for laundry to be done

Gayan Mudalige Had a lot of curry and ice cream, feels awesome!

Senuri Hasara Mudalige
Senuri Hasara Mudalige
eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww wat curry and ice cream together
Gayan Mudalige
Gayan Mudalige
not together, Had a heavy dinner and a pot of ice cream for desert! thats the traditional way!
Shuk In
Shuk In
curry flavoured icecream?!!?!?
Gayan Mudalige
Gayan Mudalige
I wish someone invented that! wonder what it would taste like!
Shuk In
Shuk In
lols if i can cook, i will try. but on that day i can cook, pigs may fly!
Gayan Mudalige
Gayan Mudalige
you?????? making curry flavored ice cream!!!!! Id rather put the odds as the sun rising from the west!!!!! lol
Shuk In
Shuk In
GAYAN!! -clench my fists- oei at least i can make japanese curry yu know?!!?!?!?!? that s one step closer to curry ice cream! because yu said that - i shall put 'making curry ice cream' into my to-do-list. the day i accomplish it.. i will.. copyright it and sell it.
Gayan Mudalige
Gayan Mudalige
wah so ambitious! wish you the best in your journey to discovering curry flavored ice cream! why not open "Shuk's Curry Ice-cream you Scream parlor" instead????? then we at least get to taste your ice-cream!!!!! lol and die out laughing!!!!
Shuk In
Shuk In
.............................. oh my gosh GAYAN. yu really.. burn me.. until.. i got nothing to say. lols.
Shuk In
Shuk In
and believe it or not. i stared at yur reply and read it 4x. and thought for abt 5 minutes. and still has no comeback. just.. wait for the... curry ice cream... it's going to be.. le-gen... wait for it... da-ry.


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