great alpine road, ocfeastercamp09.
4days of planning & researching by a few of us (not me), 85 emails, a whole load of enthusiam & we are off to the great alpine road (:
gorgeous breathtaking scenery. my photograph taking skills (or lack of) does not do it justice at all. stopped at a lookout.
it's not a habit for me to bring my camera to roadtrips, or any trips for the matter. but i surprised myself this time round - i was definetely the most enthusiatic photo-taker of the group. ha. perhaps i was inspired by the beautiful scenary, but i guess it was more so the desire to capture every moment. there was a tinge of sadness in this trip for me too - cos i know that God will soon take us onto different paths. but at least i've got these treasured memories to look back on (: and we will meet soon enough.
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