Wednesday, July 22

salt&light, fallenworld

recently, religious leaders have been alarmed by a proposal to review the 'discrimination based on faith' act. the Law Institue of Victoria has recommended changes to make it more difficult for religious groups and schools (e.g. churches & christian colleges) to discriminate against people in 'non-core' roles - i.e. by law, they cannot reject an applicant based of their religion. so.. an extreme example given by Rob Ward, the Victorian director of the Australian Christian Lobby is this: '' if someone says, 'i worship satan, but i am a pretty good maths teacher, can i come and teach your Christian kids maths?' well, probably not." i shall not elaborate on the details here - but it's on the age - or you can easily google the ongoings of the entire debate.

today, a group of people were advocating for same-sex marriage outside melbcentral, with such passion & enthusiasm. loads of people were crowding around their booth, signing off names in support.

i found out that a favourite character from harry potter is actually made gay by jkrowling.

i should keep my comments to myself on a public blog as this, but.. think about it dearfriends who read this.. this is a strangefallenworld welivein, so whatdoesitmeanwhen Jesus calledustobe saltandlight unto the world?


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