Saturday, March 19

the greater happiness

"I believe all men have this in common: that they want to be happy. They do not all agree on what brings the greatest happiness, but they do all long to have it. And this longing is not bad. It is good. Evil consists in trying to find happiness in ways that displease and dishonor God. Goodness consists in finding happiness in ways that please and honor God. We can conceive of a world in which we might be called upon to do right at the expense of our ultimate happiness. But that is not the world in which we live. God has established this world in such a way that doing good through faith in Christ always leads to greater happiness eventually. We do not live in a world where we must choose between our eternal happiness and God's glory! God has created this world and its moral laws in such a way that the more we choose to glorify God, the happier we will be." - john piper on

Saturday, March 12

craving for happiness.

Sunday, March 6

best song ever, chris rice

"maybe i will be on my feet
in a crowd of strangers & things
the spotlight is on someone else
but i will feel like i'm part of the show
the feeling is magic
and why does it bring together like this?"