Sunday, August 31

Hope, for the Christian, is not
wishful thinking or mere blind
optimism. It is a mode of
knowing, a mode within which
new things are possible, options
are not shut down, new creation
can happen."

Surprised by Hope, N.T. Wright

Saturday, August 30

i like the way msn automatically stores conversation histories cos there is such delight in reading through them! :) i have a particular friend with whom i talk soooo much with - that the file had grown so big it needs to be split into 3 parts. reading it is like seeing the story of my life in the last year being replayed. then i realise.. wow this is actually how much i shared my life with this very precious friend. ha! my whinnings my mood swings my childishness my blurness / stupidity my craziness my ups my downs my excitment my passions my joy my sadness my thoughts my dreams my hopes my visions our God my complaints my loves my hates my likes my dislikes my school my family my friends part of my life.
forget and let go of all those little (yes, they are little!) offenses in life
recognise the grace that was given
it was His gift to a broken world, so that death was conquered, and hope was given.
remember to believe in it
and freely you have recieved, freely give.

stop trying, let go of the 'shouldnt-haves'
while you cant, He can
bathe in, indulge in, and savour in the moment of things
remember that taste of sweetness, that sight of beauty - there are like no other

snip off the heartstrings that bind us down
close your eyes
listen for His heartbeat, catch the rhythmn
see through His eyes, bathe in His presence
know who He is.

He is the great I am

Friday, August 29

she is frustrated
cos she couldnt remember

she is frustrated
cos there is no closure

she is frustrated
cos it's bugging bugging bugging her!

she is frustrated
cos there are 'shouldnt-haves'

she is frustrated
cos she is confused and tired

she is frustrated
cos she feels so weak

she is frustrated
cos everything seems to be going wrong

she is frustrated
cos she is very very very sad.

she still wants happilyeverafter but is it.. time to 'wakeupyouridea'?
but she
i suddenly feel cold all around
the pinch has become more obvious
still it lingers

who can i now trust
with the inner depths
the deepest of the deepest
voices that even i myself fail to hear when i strained my ears
but you used to bring them out so clearly

or plain stupidly childish?

i dont like second guessing
i dont like withholding the truth
i dont like misunderstandings
cos they staged the saddest stories

sometimes u say the right things
sometimes u seemingly find the right things to say
what's the difference?

the pinch
had left a bruise.

i dont want to let death conquer
but is the battle already over? defeated.
i wish death will no longer take away my dears

dont let me stop believing in the beauty of things
dont let go of that rope of hope, the one that i held on to in the dark!

reach out for me when i cry to You
bring me out of the stormy sea
i am sorry if i have started to drown
i am sorry i didnt make you prouder than i can

dont forsake me

take me in

i am still sinking
the water's got into my ears
and my eyes have gone under

grab my hands

and at Your voice
moutains tremble, nations will shake
wounds will be healed, the blind will see.
the deaf with hear, the hungry will be filled
the weak will be strong, the poor becomes rich.
the God i believe in.
the God i know and love.

let Your love be the song of my heart.

come live in me
all my life
take over