Saturday, November 28
Wednesday, November 25
why i need to chase theemospirit away
For those who have read Screwtape letters and know who Wormwood & Screwtape are, i can imagine such a letter written tonight. (hurhur.)
Today, Wormwood has learnt and achieved something. There is good sorrow and there is bad sorrow. There is sorrow that brings them closer to God and there is sorrow that draws them further away from God; and the latter is one powerful tool that we can use. There is a thin line between the two, and one must notice the difference between them. There is the grieve that causes repentance, and there is the grieve that refuses joy and comfort. The latter can spread like a virus - silently and unknowing to the host, it leeches on and multiplies from within. It spreads quickly, and is deadly. Master Screwtape, it is so easy for humans to become self-absorbed and wrapped up in their grieve, that they will only focus on their problems ahead, failing to notice the bigger God who is behind them. The tears clog up their eyes, magnify their awful circumstances and diminish the good God. They sulk and become restless. They become easily agitated, and are much easier to trick and to deceive.
Our work is easy when they become disconnected from God.
Monday, November 23
Friday, November 20
humans are amphibians?
sometimes we try so hard, using our puny little heads to figure it all out. anyway, was brought to mind an interesting quote from a favourite author:
"Humans are amphibians - half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time." - C.S. Lewis
Tuesday, November 17
library trips, coffee dates.
movies & l4d sessions.
late night walks home.
you know i will miss them all.
Sunday, November 15
when the rich meets the poor

Burberry Umbrella, Fendi Bib, in the midst of India.
picture from Vogue.
interesting shots that provoked a lot of thoughts. brought to mind a lot of questions and guilt about finding the balance between shopping and spending and giving to the needy and the poor. Fendi or not, a bib is a bib; and a Burberry umbrella is but an umbrella. these hidden pieces of branded goods blends into the picture so well... that no one will give a second look if not for the fact that the photos were published in Vogue.
Saturday, November 14
it was to write love on her arms day. and people were meant to literally write love on their arms to raise awareness for anti-depression. because not anti-depressants, but love is the cure for depression. for those who do not yet know, love carries a different meaning. but for those who know, love is from God, because God is love.
even since i was a kid, i didn't quite like the idea of doodling. perhaps it's because i like to be neat, or perhaps it's because i can't draw for nuts. (the second reason more likely.) doodles on my body definitely bothers me, which is why i sometimes write to-do's on my hand. it motivates me because i cant wait to scrub the scribblings off.
anyway, i half reluctantly wrote 'love' across my forearm. and then i thought, 'love' by itself looks rather meaningless if there isnt God in the picture. so i added 'God is' neatly on top, in a different colour, a darker colour that stands out a bit more.
surprisingly, the huge print on my forearm didn't bother me. in fact, i quite enjoy looking at it, and even reinforced the words today. i realised this: if it's something that i believe in, i don't mind carrying that brand forever on my skin - the 'God is Love' brand. now i am starting to understand why some people can bring themselves to tattoo. (not that i will. i still wouldnt.)
may God's love be imprinted on my heart forever more :)
Thursday, November 12
S: did you just call me? on the computer?
L: WAD? no.
S: oh.. nothing nothing. it was the drama i m watching. the phone rang.
S: shuks moment, i know.
Wednesday, November 11
i need to know this: i am going where i am going because i chose and choose to follow Him. there's a bigger purpose to life than myself, because He loves me more than life.
RT @Jan "Obedience is the burial of the will and the resurrection of humility." - J Climacus
Tuesday, November 10
In His time, In His time
He makes all things beautiful in His time
Lord, please show me everyday
as You're teaching me Your way
and i'll do just what You say
in Your time.
if i can, if i may,
i will run to Your arms right now,
and let You hold me tight.
creature of habit.
in no order of appearance, things i do daily for the past week:
-snooze my alarm 10million times and wake up after 830am.-level 5, right most corner
-wins my gchat war with C.
-study. yawn. study.
- heave a sigh and get carried away thinking about life
-coffee, lunch, coffee & dinner
-an episode of 'beyond realm of conscience'/'palace schemes' (cool people will know what i am talking about) and more than one episode of bigbangtheory
-go to sleep, or so i try.
such a creature of habit i have been.
so why am i not sheldon but leonard on the facebook quiz?!
Monday, November 9
random *-inspired thoughts
i was the lucky one who took the last hand towel, so i get to dry my hands without using the noisy dryer. i praised God silently for my 'luck' as i looked into the mirror. then, a sudden thought struck me.. if, say IF.. a tsunami is soon to hit and the last helicopter available for escape has only one space left. it's your seat to take, but the people left behind are yet to know Jesus. will you give up your seat to a pre-saved, or will you just keep the seat for yourself and praise God for it?
while i wait.
i almost forgot this:
Steadfastness, that is holding on;
patience, that is holding back;
expectancy, that is holding the face up;
obedience, that is holding one's self in readiness to go or do;
listening, that is holding quiet and still so as to hear.
- S. D. Gordon
Steadfastness, that is holding on;
patience, that is holding back;
expectancy, that is holding the face up;
obedience, that is holding one's self in readiness to go or do;
listening, that is holding quiet and still so as to hear.
- S. D. Gordon
to be steadfast, patient, expectant, obedient and listening while i wait.
i cant wait for exams to end
feel the grass between my toes
hear the emotions behind the music
sip on an iced lemonade
bathe in the sun and yet not worry about the heat
learn to swim, go horseriding again
dream empty dreams
watch a chick flick and be able to laugh out loud
because i will not be watching it behind these 4 walls of silence.
some die earlier than others. some die later than others. lately, i have this thought that i dont think i will live long. i can actually feel it in my guts sometimes. maybe it's a good thing, cos i wouldnt have the time to forget everything i have lived for. then my life will flash pass me as i close my eyes. then i wouldnt stare blankly at unfamiliar faces crying around me and wonder who they are. instead i will hold their hands and smile and wish them all the best. see you later, i will say.
sorry, i just watched the curious case of benjamin button.
Sunday, November 8
can i whine here
the heat. the walls. the lack of windows. the stuffiness. the extra guest at my house. the lack of personal space. it's making me go into a full fledge p-m-s mood. where's a lame joke to make some laughs when yu need it? who's there to make me laugh or let me punch?
epiphany of the day: we are, all of us are, living the story we are going to tell our kids in the future!
the endless encouraging truths that sustain.
soon and very soon,
my King is coming.
and until then, its the promises and the endless encouraging truths that helps to sustain us.
You will keep in perfect peace
him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD forever,
for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.
Is 26:3-4
my heart knows Him well.
Saturday, November 7
had the impulse to read proverbs 31 today, and felt encouraged by verse 25:
"She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come."
Friday, November 6
Shuks 22
In John 11, the death of Lazarus probably broke the hearts of Mary and Martha - that they have to say their goodbyes so prematurely. Ah, such grief they must have been in, and i bet nothing their fr friends say or do can bring about comfort. You know, Martha knew the theologies, she had, after all, learnt much from Jesus Himself. She knew that God will give Jesus whatever He asks, she knew that Jesus will resurrect at the last day, and so will her brother. But yet, Jesus had to ask her again: do you believe in what you thought you already knew?
Perhaps Jesus is asking me the same question. Perhaps this is the lesson for me to learn. It has come to a point whereby, i cannot go on by just quoting encouraging bible verses. Theology needs to transpose into personal belief and conviction. I need to believe, i need to commit.
So... mind, heart and soul. Intellectually, i need to take captive of my thoughts. In my heart, i need to allow room for comfort and peace. And as for my soul, His Spiritual Presence never leaves me.
With these, i start the chapter of Shuks 22.
My existence is pathetic, sad, and ugly without God's presence.
When You found me, my whole world change.
I am redeemed by Your life.
Let the world see -
You're freedom, turned my darkness into light.
You welcome me in, with open arms, into unending life.
Your power, your love that saved my soul,
now i'm alive in You.
Wednesday, November 4
A mature Christian has capacity to absorb the offenses and weaknesses of others, not just demand they perform up to the code of ideals.