Friday, July 31
2:06 AM me: and focus on learning to trust Godi m very deeply convicted, or at least i pray for myself to be - that God has someone for me
i dunu if it will be the next person i meet
or maybe the next next or whatever, whenever, but there will be someone.
and before i meet this person, i must like improve myself as much as i can - cos that s my way of loving this person
2:07 AM God says now is not the season, not these 6 months.
so i try not to think abt it
and if i do then i remind myself of this conviction.
Wednesday, July 29
Saturday, July 25
we like someone because,
we love someone although.
not everyone is as easy to love as Jesus.
i know it's difficult to love me,
so show me my flaws, and forgive me for my faults,
while allowing me to try my best to love you.
we love someone although.
not everyone is as easy to love as Jesus.
i know it's difficult to love me,
so show me my flaws, and forgive me for my faults,
while allowing me to try my best to love you.
random messy threads of worship thoughts
i wikipedia-ed 'worship', and i like the first two sentences of the article: "Worship literally means "worth-ship". Giving worth to something."
Worship is many things, but it is essentially reflecting the worth of God, the heart that stands in awe of how great & magnificent our God is. Worship is not just about the songs of our lips, the beautiful melody playing on our ipods, the musical technicalities of the band on the stage, or the flashing laser lights and the smoky dry ice (matt15:8-9). it's about knowing the Truth - that God is bigger than us, creator of our mere existence, a sovereign and holy God whom we love & fear. the realisation of that does not allow for indifference. it does not allow for silence. it calls us to offer our body daily as living sacrifices to Him - and that is worship (rom12:1). The essence of worship is not about the morally right acts that we do, not the heavy loose change we throw into the offering bag, not the socialising/welcomingwork within the people groups. The essence of worship is inner, it's an experience of the heart, a transformation from within, a renewing of the mind. it is not merely raisedhands, closedeyes and enthusiaticvolunteeringofservice.
phil 1:20-21. Paul hopes for God to be exalted in his body, whether by life or death. whether by life, or death. in life or death, his desire is to glorify God. that's his heart of worship. he's got his perspective set such that - to live is Christ, to die is gain. he cherished God, he recognises that God is more gain than all life has to offer (phil3:8). The heart of worship is about being satisfied with Christ, prizing Him, cherishing Him, treasuring Him, loving Him. and that brings to mind a quote: ''the pursuit of joy in God is not optional. it is our highest duty.'' we need to have a hunger for God when we come to Him in worship, we need to be satisfied that we've got Him. we need to be joyful that we know Him. we need to worship, though He doesnt need us to.
Worship is many things, but it is essentially reflecting the worth of God, the heart that stands in awe of how great & magnificent our God is. Worship is not just about the songs of our lips, the beautiful melody playing on our ipods, the musical technicalities of the band on the stage, or the flashing laser lights and the smoky dry ice (matt15:8-9). it's about knowing the Truth - that God is bigger than us, creator of our mere existence, a sovereign and holy God whom we love & fear. the realisation of that does not allow for indifference. it does not allow for silence. it calls us to offer our body daily as living sacrifices to Him - and that is worship (rom12:1). The essence of worship is not about the morally right acts that we do, not the heavy loose change we throw into the offering bag, not the socialising/welcomingwork within the people groups. The essence of worship is inner, it's an experience of the heart, a transformation from within, a renewing of the mind. it is not merely raisedhands, closedeyes and enthusiaticvolunteeringofservice.
phil 1:20-21. Paul hopes for God to be exalted in his body, whether by life or death. whether by life, or death. in life or death, his desire is to glorify God. that's his heart of worship. he's got his perspective set such that - to live is Christ, to die is gain. he cherished God, he recognises that God is more gain than all life has to offer (phil3:8). The heart of worship is about being satisfied with Christ, prizing Him, cherishing Him, treasuring Him, loving Him. and that brings to mind a quote: ''the pursuit of joy in God is not optional. it is our highest duty.'' we need to have a hunger for God when we come to Him in worship, we need to be satisfied that we've got Him. we need to be joyful that we know Him. we need to worship, though He doesnt need us to.
Wednesday, July 22
been thinking about life in this world, life after ocf.
Christianity does not remove you from the world and its problems; it makes you fit to live in it, triumphantly and usefully. - C. Templeton.
amused by mr tj lau.
amused by mr tj lau aka jinn -
who posed in the cold showing loads of skin,
this post shall be a rhyming note for him to see,
as i reveal to you how parasan is he!
so this is how my story goes:
as you know,
on the previous post i had disclosed,
that thefunnyduo posed in the snow.
and because i mentioned they werent that macho -
in an email jinn bellowed.
hence i better clarify
that though theposingduo arent hotpies,
at least not hot enough to melt the ice,
but these two boys are very nice.
funny jokes they will crack,
cos they hate to see your face black.
even after driving three days long
they didnt become dindongs.
ahem so now praises to both of them,
for they are such gems.
who posed in the cold showing loads of skin,
this post shall be a rhyming note for him to see,
as i reveal to you how parasan is he!
so this is how my story goes:
as you know,
on the previous post i had disclosed,
that thefunnyduo posed in the snow.
and because i mentioned they werent that macho -
in an email jinn bellowed.
hence i better clarify
that though theposingduo arent hotpies,
at least not hot enough to melt the ice,
but these two boys are very nice.
funny jokes they will crack,
cos they hate to see your face black.
even after driving three days long
they didnt become dindongs.
ahem so now praises to both of them,
for they are such gems.
salt&light, fallenworld
recently, religious leaders have been alarmed by a proposal to review the 'discrimination based on faith' act. the Law Institue of Victoria has recommended changes to make it more difficult for religious groups and schools (e.g. churches & christian colleges) to discriminate against people in 'non-core' roles - i.e. by law, they cannot reject an applicant based of their religion. so.. an extreme example given by Rob Ward, the Victorian director of the Australian Christian Lobby is this: '' if someone says, 'i worship satan, but i am a pretty good maths teacher, can i come and teach your Christian kids maths?' well, probably not." i shall not elaborate on the details here - but it's on the age - or you can easily google the ongoings of the entire debate.
today, a group of people were advocating for same-sex marriage outside melbcentral, with such passion & enthusiasm. loads of people were crowding around their booth, signing off names in support.
i found out that a favourite character from harry potter is actually made gay by jkrowling.
i should keep my comments to myself on a public blog as this, but.. think about it dearfriends who read this.. this is a strangefallenworld welivein, so whatdoesitmeanwhen Jesus calledustobe saltandlight unto the world?
Tuesday, July 21
pilgrims on the journey of a narrow road
checked into a motel at bright. cool lively town, warm friendly people in the freezing cold. fantastic pub food. a night of bridge, mafia, jokes and fun. nearly got sabo-ed, saved by crooked specs. a symphony of snoring.
andrea's famous wake up call for the boys, cold water into marc's ears. hearty brunch that even jared couldnt finish, coffees. cargroup got swaped around. brave the cold, and up hotham we go. snow chains hired. friendlyfluffy & naked(but not hot)boys in the snow. snowball fights & table soccer. hot chocolates and beers. pictures and frozen fingers.
dinner plains.
God is so much bigger than i am, but He is with us always -
on the mountaintops & through the valleys.
omeo. spooky accom with dark corridors. nil tenants in sight but a strange loner indian man with a scarred face at the pub. cosy cabin at the caravans park instead. dinner at swift creek, pool & old school music from the jukebox. more mafia, more wine, more indomee. wicked massage parlour. a good night's sleep.
wherever i go, God you are with me.
i do not take these experiences for granted, thankyou.
the rocks will cry out to You in worship.
an eternity of glory & praises to You our King.
we wont stay silent anymore, we cant.
lakes' entrance after pies jamdonuts and custard tarts. many jump shots at the beach. andrea's red jacket on the pole, jared's slippers buried in sand. black swans, pelicans & chilling boat rides in the sun. fish and chips. long drive back. dinner at glenwaverly.
great alpine road, ocfeastercamp09.
4days of planning & researching by a few of us (not me), 85 emails, a whole load of enthusiam & we are off to the great alpine road (:
gorgeous breathtaking scenery. my photograph taking skills (or lack of) does not do it justice at all. stopped at a lookout.
it's not a habit for me to bring my camera to roadtrips, or any trips for the matter. but i surprised myself this time round - i was definetely the most enthusiatic photo-taker of the group. ha. perhaps i was inspired by the beautiful scenary, but i guess it was more so the desire to capture every moment. there was a tinge of sadness in this trip for me too - cos i know that God will soon take us onto different paths. but at least i've got these treasured memories to look back on (: and we will meet soon enough.
Friday, July 17
sydney was awesome.
too many thoughts but that has been penned down / shared.
still need some time to mull over stuff
will gladly share if you care to ask (:
the holidays are good.
had quality time with two of my favourite girls once i came back,
and thank God for giving me the opportunity to love them the way i do (:
(ps: you know who you areeee!)
too many thoughts but that has been penned down / shared.
still need some time to mull over stuff
will gladly share if you care to ask (:
the holidays are good.
had quality time with two of my favourite girls once i came back,
and thank God for giving me the opportunity to love them the way i do (:
(ps: you know who you areeee!)
Sunday, July 5
for my paranoia
"take care of the things dear to God,
and God will take care of the things dear to you"
and God will take care of the things dear to you"
and who said that christians haven't got it easy? everytime we stumble and fall, God is standing right next to us, helping us up. everytime we stray and lose our way, God is searching for us and waiting for us to find our way. when there are mountains to climb, we've got His infinite reeservoir of strength to draw from. look at pslams and see how our God comforts the sorrowful. and though the walk with Him may seem arduous at this point of time, we have that eternal hope that sustains us - and mind you, that's e-t-e-r-n-a-l. why wouldn't you want to know this God?
Saturday, July 4
the record breaking hour i spent on facebook while waiting for laundry to be done
Gayan Mudalige Had a lot of curry and ice cream, feels awesome!
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