a fleeting thought came to mind: i wonder if God ever regreted creating Adam and Eve, because we are such irritating creatures, arent we? time and time again man sin, and one couldnt disagree how much ugliness there is within the hearts and actions of man. such is the depravity of mankind - christians, or not, there isnt that great a difference in our habits of sin (perhaps one sin in knowledge of law&grace and thus hopefully repents thereafter, while the other not).
but the voice of truth in my head quickly refute that - John 3:16. and God's promise to never wipe out mankind after thebigflood tells me something - God does love us, He's seen something precious and good in mankind that we are worth Him going to great lengths to save. What is that gem in us, sometimes i fail to see, esp when blinded by emotions.
maybe i am too critical, maybe this littlebubbleinmyhead known as pride is growing. maybe i am becoming more cynical, maybe the satan's got be decieved, maybe maybe... or maybe i am right, and i just need to learn to deal with this in a wiser manner.see, the difficulty and struggle i have is this: when i assess and have certain opinions of a certain person, am i judging (and being self righteous about it by thinking i have 'no' ill intentions)? am i placing myself in a position of superiority? matt 7:1, the red letters of my bible clearly prints: do not judge, and Jesus continues with: for in the same way you judge others, you will be judged. James 4, for when we judged, we speak against the law, and yet, we are, in 1cor 5, to judge those who believe and are sinful, whereby, James 2:12 cautions that our judgements are to be practiced with mercy. although my commonsense tells me that judging/assessing people around us are neccessary, but i also know that God's love and Jesus was radical, and surely lacking in what we call 'commonsense'.
my understanding now, at 3:17am (may i add a yawn!), is this: while it is important to be shrewd and understanding of human weaknesses, it is also important that i do not let that the love for anyone of His people diminish. While i cannot help but develop (sometimes negative) gut feelings about people around me, i must not let that affect my love for them. easier said than done, but i will try. Micah 6:8, a verse that has been the wallpaper of my E71, affectionately known as dented, jumps out at me once agian. what does the lord require me to do? but to
act justly,
love kindnesss, walk
humbly with my God. so remember - justice, kindness, humility, and let that be ingrained and engraved deep into my thoughts & my heart as i assess/discern/form my opinions... or judge?
God give me a little bit of wisdom,let your Word and Spirit be my light,teach me to do what is pleasing to You,
i pray.